Regate Effective is capable of allowing versatitle money collection teams collect money (i.e. cash collections, cheques, other forms of payment), print the receipt and deliver all the information direct to your back office system.
Each collector has a Windows Mobile or Android Device, as well as a mobile thermal printer, capable of printing your receipts. The collector visits your clients or points of sale, and has either (a) a predefined list of money collections to perform, or (b) the freedom to enter the amount to be collected. When the collection is completed the payment receipt is printed automatically. At the end of the day, the collectors synchronizes their data from their mobile devices directly to the back office system.
Regate Effective Collections is suitable for the following cases:
In conjuction with other modules such as van invoicing, Regate Effective can be a truly mobile mini-ERP at the hands of your mobile teams.
Regate Effective can also be installed on a cloud environment for versatile teams that require extensibility and an environment that can change according to daily needs (e.g. seasonality products).